Edit: alt-text: Reddit post in r/TrueOffMyChest
Title: my friend just transitioned but I found out she’s naming herself Mildred. I wanna be supportive but, fucking Mildred?
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Edit: alt-text: Reddit post in r/TrueOffMyChest
Title: my friend just transitioned but I found out she’s naming herself Mildred. I wanna be supportive but, fucking Mildred?
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That’s my great grandma’s name. I think it’s pretty nice. Lol.
Oh sure, I bet your Great Grandma is a lovely person and I have nothing against her or her name.
But, it is very much a GREAT GRANDMA sort of name that is super out of date. I would be exactly as critical as a parent naming their child Mildred.
This generational. I’ve seen a number of names I thought of as grandma names come back into fashion. People who are young enough not to have experienced grandmas with those names pick them. Gertrude is a grandma name to me, BTW, not a great-grandma name. I actually had a grandma named Gertrude. Welcome to old. (Edit: my brain glitched from Mildred to Gertrude there. Looking forward to Alzheimers.)
My partner’s favorite name is Edith