Edit: alt-text: Reddit post in r/TrueOffMyChest
Title: my friend just transitioned but I found out she’s naming herself Mildred. I wanna be supportive but, fucking Mildred?
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Edit: alt-text: Reddit post in r/TrueOffMyChest
Title: my friend just transitioned but I found out she’s naming herself Mildred. I wanna be supportive but, fucking Mildred?
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Enough talk about trans rights, it’s time to talk about trans wrongs /s
Can we talk about trans lefts instead?
I personally think we should discuss trans stayeds.
But first, let’s discuss the right and wrong trans wrongs.
The right trans wrongs: coming from a place of deep respect for you as a friend, Mildred is not the right name for you
The wrong trans wrongs: how many American conservatives ready trans individuals