White House officials said the installation was an effort to increase internet availability at the complex. They said that some areas of the property could not get cell service and that the existing Wi-Fi infrastructure was overtaxed.
Shoulda put a Trojan on that trojan.
I do not believe for a second that communications within the Whitehouse are inadequate, or if they were, could not be solved in a secure manner. Slapping a Starlink in a few places sounds like an invitation to backdoor all communications. Not only that, it is an invitation to sidestep obligations to preserve government records.
Security concerns? No need to eavesdrop on electronics when they have Tulsi to just tell them everything.
They said that some areas of the property could not get cell service and that the existing Wi-Fi infrastructure was overtaxed.
Starlink has absolutely nothing to do with either of those things…
Amazing how the but her emails crowd is fine with all the private servers and now private internet access from Trump and co
Ah yes, because what the white house needs is an inferior ISP to plug the gaps that could easily be filled by proper wireless access point configuration and distribution.
This is definitely not going to come back to haunt us later.
Starlink should be abolished.
With how spacex and Tesla are going I wouldn’t be surprised if it abolishes itself.
Who’s hand is on the power switch?
Are you a white house staffer carrying a heavy stack of top secret documents? Do you desperately need both hands to vape or to text roger stone a progress report? Try DOCDASH!
Just request a docdasher in app and a helpful person like Yvegeny, Dmitri or Boris will show up to the white house on a motorcycle, take your documents from you, not copy and transmit them, and just keep them very safe, like tippy top safe.
I am all for making the White House less secure at this point.
Somebody is going to have to explain to me how starlink is going to boost WiFi availability if it is routed from offsite using their current fibre network.
Yeah, this doesn’t make sense to me. Starlink needs a dish that has to be outside without trees covering it, so it isn’t like they can place new routers around the building that receive Starlink and have wifi capability. They will still have to run a cable from the dish(es?) to new wireless routers. How is that ANY different from just running new wireless routers from their existing fiber?
It’s literally not any different. Starlink is just a less-reliable broadband internet connection, it has nothing to do with WiFi
Are they then routing all starlink traffic to Russia?
sure “donated” until the next president, whenever that happens…
Enjoy the high latency.
They literally installed spyware in the WH. National security is an utter joke with these traitors.
This country was destroyed under Reagan. We needed a national security strategy against the capitalists back then and invited them in.
This is just the fire sale, the vultures picking the well rotted corpse clean. Reagan and Welch destroyed this place, don’t give Trump that much credit. He’s just an opportunist who saw profit in chaos.
So they routed all traffic in the WH through his sattelites, yay. Do I understand correctly that being an internet provider (and as WH can be singled out) means he can now know what resources everyone there access and force many proxy\VPN options shut? So he can get at least basic understanding if someone access matrix servers or whatever to leak data critical of DOGE, to block things he doesn’t like (e.g. live streaming broadcast for select journalists) or just to get one more reason to fire everyone?