I know a little about somethings and a lot about like 2 things!
What two things?
ball sack one cannot be contained in ball sack 2
A set of propositional formulas is satisfiable if and only if all finite subsets of it are satisfiable.
The cardinality of a set is always smaller than the cardinality of the set of subsets of the former set.
A set cannot contain itself.
There is no 1 to 1 mapping from the natural numbers to the real numbers.
There is a 1 to 1 mapping from the natural numbers to the rational numbers.
Something exists. I cannot tell you what it is but it does exist. Maybe reality is an illusion but even then the illusion exists.
I resent the implication that I know anything about anything
The recommended way to exit neovim is via
sudo kill -9
.I don’t know shit.
Yeah? Well I know shit all.
Yo, I got plenty of experience with stuff, I did lots of stuff when I was younger and still do stuff often, so feel free to ask me about stuff!
So how many stuffs have you done this far?
Lotsa stuff
Clearly you’re unqualified, you know about stuff, they’re looking for someone with experience in anything and knowledge of something. Your knowledge of stuff isn’t needed here.
What kind of stuff do you put in a turkey before cooking it?
Bananas are being killed by a fungus blight and will be gone in ten years…
Gros Michel was tastier than modern Cavendish anyway.
We switched to Cavendish because all the gros Michael trees were dying from the fungi.
That’s the point of the OP of the thread. I’ve read though, that Gros Michel is stll grown in small farms, just not at scale.
It is and you can buy them, but you pay a significant premium for them.
IIRC Cavendish is supposed to be more resilient to the fungi than Gros Michael is, but it’s not immune. The fungi mostly exists underground so it’s difficult, if not impossible to remove from the land once it’s “infected”… And it takes decades to clear naturally once the trees are removed.
The good thing here is that we already have Gros Michael and AFAIK, Cavendish seeds in the global seed vault, so we’re not at risk of losing the ability to bring the trees back at some point in the future. We still haven’t lost them, as you mentioned, there’s still small batches being grown.
IMO, it’s all a bit sad, since apparently Gros Michael is so much tastier, and there’s a shrinking number of people alive who are old enough to remember what they tasted like at all… So without investing in buying some from one of the small batch plantations still growing them, very soon, all but those that specifically went out of their way to try them, will have no idea what they taste like.
I’m not old enough to remember what they taste like (if they even existed as an option in the grocery when I was born at all, which I’m not sure about). I’ll probably never know.
Can’t come soon enough…
The stem on a wine glass has a purpose besides looking fancy. A wine drinker is meant to hold the glass by the stem so the temperature in their hand doesn’t affect the flavor profile in the wine. All wines have an ideal serving temperature also. It depends on the specific wine, but in general, reds are slightly below room temperature and whites are slightly above fridge temperature.
That’s a complicated way to say “cool” and “cooler.”
Thanks I’ll use this for when I next have soup
May I offer you a bowl of sauvignon blanc to go with your glass of soup?
I’d take some toilet wine
Yeah, I’d like to order a paint can of toilet wine too, please.
Nah we use soup glasses in this crack home
Very well, your toilet wine will be served to you together with the bath tub lasagna
red wine glasses also usually have a flatter bottom so that you can heat it up if needed by holding it on your palm with the stem going under
I just put the wine box on top of the dish washer
You’re doing it wrong right now. Just do it right and it will work. Thank me later.
Good advice about the things.
Glad I could help!
Never give an owl a towel
Never use a dowel on your bowel.
Duplicate of post #437995. Locking and marking topic closed.
That’s racist
I will peel you like an orangutan.
What do you wish to know ?
Racecar is racecar backwards.
Sator Arepo tenet opera rotas.