You always do a few tests to make sure you didn’t get a dodgy one. Buy a few more and do them over the next 24 hours.
Thanks, I’m just kinda anxious and nervous as this wasn’t planned (I’m just 18 almost 19) and don’t wanna talk about it with anyone until I know things for a fact so I thought asking online would be a good idea.
You may want to do a little research and see if your community has a good clinic to visit. Please be cautious, though! There are unfortunately a large number of places that advertise free testing, but if you make an appointment they will do everything in their power to make sure you carry it to term, including downright abusive manipulation.
That said, there’s still a lot of clinics out there that actually put your own well-being first, not just medically, but also in terms of respecting what you want as an outcome of this.
I wish you the best of luck! As a guy, I know I literally cannot even imagine what you are going through; so just know this internet stranger offers free virtual hugs!
Okay, stay calm. Getting anxious has never helped anyone, and trying to think things through with a clear mind usually does. Take another test before talking to anyone about it to be 100% sure, but keep in mind that the chances of it being a false positive are very low. Start thinking and planning with that in mind.
I don’t know your personal situation or the decisions you’ll make about this, but I’m sure you’ll find support from the people around you and you’ll get through it.
Unfortunately, the landscape has gotten very hostile for your situation. You need to be careful about where you ask questions, and what sort of paper trail you might be leaving. It may limit your choices down the road.
Tragically, this might mean that you cannot discuss it with your family, friends, or even a doctor. You might also want to put effort into disguising your searches, lest they become evidence against you.
Of course, if you’re from a more civilized country than the US, you can disregard all of the above.
Surely you can freely discuss this in blue states, right?
It’s risky. There have been a number of recent actions at a national level that are being applied retroactively. You also have to be sure that it ONLY is being discussed within a blue state. You cannot have a red or purple state involved at all, nor is it safe to cross state lines.
For the moment, yes.
If this isn’t a joke; this looks like a COVID test to me…
HCG is the pregnancy hormone so that would be one weird-ass COVID test.
Ever heard of Covid Babies?
I remember that show. It was like Muppet Babies except with crows.
Working in a field were I have to perform a lot of these types of tests, you’d be surprised how many look like Covid tests at a glance - always look at the labelling.
Also, in this form factor you’d pee into a container and pipette a very small amount into the test using the (usually) accompanying tiny pipette.
It’s almost like they use the same mold for different tests.
How dare those test companies be economical
Lmao, the false outrage over me not knowing that they use the same form factor for more than one test…
I’d only ever come across it for COVID tests, the only pregnancy tests I’ve interacted with/seen advertised have been the stick versions.
Lazy asset flips.
Just surprising since the sample is in a very different medium.
Unless you’re only supposed to pee like 3 drops into this thing.
Also, since the letters are a part of the mold, it can’t be the same mold as the covid test.
This guy gets why I was initially misunderstanding
It’s called a lateral flow assay
I just took a Covid test and this literally looked just like the one I took.
COVID? It literally says hCG on it.
The UK COVID test were all using this plastic moulding (minus the embossed letters) and I’ve never seen a pregnancy test that wasn’t a stick that you pee on?
And if you’re aware that it says hCG (which I admittedly missed before commenting), then I think you answered your own question…
Buddy are you peeing on covid tests??
If you can pee on that without spilling then you have much greater control than I, haha
yea congratulations on not going to college
No offense but isn’t this something you can simply find out by reading the directions for the test? It should show examples of positive results, similar to covid tests where it shows you that a faint line is still positive.
I’d do another test to be sure, but even a faint line can indicate a positive result (similar to Covid tests of the same form factor)
IIRC, even a faint T line is a positive result.
Seems like it but it’s always a good idea to get a second test and see your GP for labs to confirm.
Maybe you’re only a little bit pregnant.
In opposite to Covid tests, for ovulation tests, a faint “test” field seems to indicate a negative result.
Hoever, for the HCG test, it seems to be the same as for the Covid tests:
An ovulation test is something else than a pregnancy test, isn’t it?
Yes, that’s why I commented on both, as their evaluation is different and the first results I got, when searching “pregnancy test result”, were for ovulation tests.
Ok but you did edit your comment after mine ;)
Yes, at first it contained only the part on the UWUlation test.
Yes. Ovulation is when an egg is released from an ovary and makes its way down a fallopian tube to the uterus. It is when someone who has a female reproductive system can normally become pregnant.
Ovulation tests are used to tell if they are in their monthly window of fertility, generally if trying for a pregnancy when they have had trouble conceiving or have an irregular menstrual cycle.
A pregnancy test detects human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This is a hormone that is released by the placenta after a fertilized egg implants in the uterine lining.
They asked 2 questions and you just said “yes” 🙃
The second question is only relevant if the first question is not “yes.”
Yes, that’s a positive pregnancy test. Any second line visible means it’s positive. But best do another test from another brand to be doubly sure.
I would suggest taking a second test to be sure, but the line showing up means that the target of interest (ex. pregnancy protein) is present.
Faded or “light” lines can be due to a variety of issues, but basically boils down to lower concentration of target reaching the colorimetric reagent.
Yes, this is a positive result, or at least it detects signifiers for pregnancy. You should take more tests, but they won’t disqualify the fact that these signifiers are present now. I would speak with a doctor to see if you can get a more accurate test (these could be wrong, don’t think that if you retest and you only see 1 line that you’re “safe”), and discuss potential next steps if necessary.
Now I understand all those videos of guys thinking it’s a covid test and getting mad. That looks almost identical to a covid tester I had.
You should see a doctor for better confirmation. My understanding has been, if you see positive on the test, see the doctor for actual confirmation since various things can throw the at home testers off.
I thought it was a troll and it WAS a covid test. Looks exactly like a test ive used.
It says hCG right on the test though.
I see it now but I didnt at all on mobile
“Home Cregnancy Gest”?
Human chorionic gonadotropin.
How are you doing? This is pretty big news.
Best to take more tests. First thing in the morning is often recommended as it can raise the concentration of possible hCG in your urine, making false negatives less likely. If possible and safe for you to do so, a blood test is usually much more accurate, with a lower detection threshold.
I know it’s probably really stressful and causing a lot of anxiety but, try to do what you can to keep yourself calm and do self care, like drinking chamomile tea or whatever helps you. If it’s super stressful, just take things one day or one hour at a time and try not to put any pressure on yourself for any decisions that you may or may not need to make. You don’t even have the data yet.
Hope that whatever the result that you have as good of a day as you can.