I made books of short one-shots to eliminate that stress DMs feel when they aren’t fully prepped.

I use a bullet point format, designed for quick absorption during a session. No need to study and make notes beforehand. Each adventure is on a two page spread, so you aren’t flipping around pages to find info. They are very information dense.

I varied the locations, type and plot so you’ll have an adventure to fit just about any situation. Most adventures are not combat oriented. Some include riddles, puzzles and handouts. Each adventure has side tabs, so you can quickly find the type of adventure you want in the middle of your session. Won’t be scrambling when the players go somewhere you didn’t plan for.

The adventures are system agnostic, so there are no stat blocks. You’ll need to look up the monsters in your system.

I worked hard to make each adventure very different from one another. I like to set up player expectations, and then use those expectations to surprise them. There are road ambushes with double twist endings, a gladiatorial battle where the enemies use the PCs own weapons against them, and a bard scroll, wrapped in a riddle, rolled up into a sea shanty. They’ve been selling well and I’ve been lucky to get amazing reviews.

Try an adventure out for yourself. Each book description includes one free adventure and instructions:

My website: https://deckanddicegames.com/quartershots_retail/ DTRPG: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/publisher/28077/deck-and-dice-games Itch.io: https://deckanddice.itch.io/ Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s?i=stripbooks&rh=p_27%3AMarcus%2BPascall

p.s. I believe people who buy printed RPG books should get the PDF for free, so if you buy from my website, I’ll send you a DTRPG link automatically. If you buy from a game store or Amazon, email me a copy of your receipt for the link.

  • sirblastalot@ttrpg.network
    2 months ago

    Hi. I’m sorry, this looks like a legitimately great book, but we only allow self promotion from active users. I am removing your post, but if you are interested in becoming a member of our community, you would be welcome to post 1 self-promo per week in the future.