Why, he had no need of it whatsoever, unfathomably he has won control of everything and owes no one anything. Also the world is just not this well managed, it’s all just chaos and carnage and design in hindsight.
Then why mention his name at all. It’s just like the covid checks, Trump demands/wants the attention.
Ah, but he does need something… continual attention and praise. Narcissists gonna narcissist.
He’s already truly beloved by most. This really isn’t needed to rally further support. This seems like nonsense. To any thoughtful few there are no options for redemption for this dumb shit.
Put down whatever it is that’s causing ypu to believe Trump is beloved by most. He has the second lowest approval rating in history.
Give him a chance. He has a big base of hateful bigots and his approval rating is climbing. He’s currently at 50%. Are you locked in a big liberal city or something? Where I am at people absolutely rave about him. I’ve never seen banners for presidents hanging on homes, so many bumper stickers. Even in NYC, every gift shop is full of trump memorabilia. He’s wildly popular and while polarizing factors will make approval ratings and averages not get much higher than 50%, the hateful scum that love him really love him.
there are no approval ratings for a day one POTUS.
There are constant polls on ‘popularity’. Fox News has recent data and Marquette and Reuters do too. Sure these are imperfect but it’s a pretty sane thing to say he is beloved / popular. Denying that is what had people so shocked when he one the popular vote. People are so siloed now that they fail to see how so much of the population really likes the guy. This willful ignorance is dangerous.
Saw the same kind of denial about Putin. People not in touch with real Russians felt he was a just a feared overlord. Truth is majority of people there really like him.
Popularity and approval rating are not the same. Approval trating is asking peoplehow he is doing as POTUS. Popularity determines if you know who they are.
Not if you know who they are but if you like them. Trump is well liked by many if not most Americans. A decent amount of people downright practically worship the guy. In the sense that he is a dumb senile oaf he is not classically charismatic, but he has the attention and artificial grandeur attached to him that is usually related to charisma.
No, popularity is if you recognize the name
Likeability is if you like them.
Approval rating is how you feel about the job they are doung.
These things all have real meanings in polling. There are no approval polls for the first day available immediately. His first approval poll will come out on Monday.
Your perception based on what you see around ypu might not reflect how the nation feels as a whole.
I will argue that so was the Israel cease-fire “strong-man” act. In fact my conspiracy theory is that Israel explicitly delayed the cease-fire so that Trump could look strong by finishing it, then whined a bit in the newspapers to sell it. This is not even the first time they GOP has done this, as per the Iran hostages affair.
Judy Woodruff was forced to publicly apologize because Trump and Bibi said they didn’t talk about delaying it, but I still think she was right:
I mean, I’d trust unnamed sources over these two guys any day.
because Trump and Bibi said they didn’t talk about delaying it
Oh well, if the two known liars said so…
Headline from fox news: “Oliver North: Israel will have to put people on the ground and it will be bloody”
Reality is truly stranger than fiction. If any writer continued to use a character like him for so long in such obvious ways without suffering any consequences, readers’ suspension of disbelief would be shattered.
He was there for Iran-Contra. He is still here for Israel-Hamas. The exact same playbook. Place political gain over national interest. Put lives needlessly in danger and extend suffering for an easy win.
Yeah and it’s not far-fetched considering how openly Netanyahu endorsed Trump. With Trump in office Netanyahu can do whatever he wants, waging a costly in terms of PR war will be no longer necessary.
Sounds like the Iran hostage crisis remake.
Which was itself a sequel to Nixon and trying to stall peace negotiations during the Vietnam War.
How can they get away with the exact same plan every time, this is some scoobydoo bullshit.
Give’em the disease then sell’em the cure.
Can someone explain to me how they believe the Trump team convinced Biden to sign the ban?
If you think it was a stunt for the benefit of Trump, you’re implying the Biden admin was in on it. Doesn’t make sense to me. Seems the more likely scenario is Biden just royally fucked up again to the point of somehow making Trump look good.
I thought the stunt was on the part if TikTok. They shut down when they didn’t have to and then came back on all chummy with Trump when he announced the 90 day extension. The play was to kiss Trump’s ass. Biden signed it and they took advantage of the situation.
Do you know any dopamine addicts who lost their minds for a week straight? You know the ones. Giving more permissions to shady apps to scratch their itch?
Sad world we live in lolol.
Yeah, the super obvious political stunt was a political stunt. It only fools those that don’t pay any attention or don’t know how anything works. Biden said he would not enforce the order, that trump signed during his first term, to ban tiktok. Then tiktok chose to shut itself down for a day and chose to turn itself back on with its political pandering notice. It is all to manipulate it’s users while also paying fealty to the incoming president (because China knows that is how easy he is to control).
It will go on like that for several years now. One shit show, and then the next one, and then the next three ones…
Obviously. They see the game. They played the game.
Tiktok is an app for stupid people so naturally stupid people would be more gullible.
Yes, I also think that was bait, because ban started few days before begin of Trump term and ban was not really working. It had a lot of bugs, simple VPN could byoass it, “YES, user who logged in ONLY from USA and now loggin from Europ REALLY IS NOT AN AMERICAN NOW!!!”. That two things make me to think it was a bait.
It likely was, hell it had me fooled. I was honestly about to say “Maybe I was wrong about him? Maybe Kamala losing won’t be so bad…”
But then he signed the Transgender order and on the same day Musk did the Nazi salute and I’m like “And this is what I get for questioning my own world view.”
At least I voted Harris in the election and spent literally only two or three days (17-20) being fooled, and let’s be honest, it was Copium, not truly being swayed
I was honestly about to say “Maybe I was wrong about him? Maybe Kamala losing won’t be so bad…”
And this is why democracy sucks. Voters have the memory of a flea and the emotions of a toddler.
- “Democracy is the worst form of govt except for all the other ones that have been tried”
The only thing that can make Trump look good is his obituary
No, and that’s an incredibly stupid premise. Trump wasn’t the one to push the Ban. He wasn’t the one to keep it going to completion, and he sure didn’t PLAN on not having a second consecutive term. He’s just following his most basic programming of If Biden did(Thing); Undo(Thing)
He was the one who initiated the ban…
If it’s that problematic with propaganda then banning it after an election was a meaningless gesture. It served it’s purpose and reversing the ban was simply transactional. They paid money and kissed the ring.