This thing’s so good.
Personal favorites include Campanella 2, Magic Garden, and Attactics.
I bought it and am having a blast as well! There are definitely games I dislike, especially Barbuta (the first one). I get what it’s going for but eugh, too slow and clunky.
Magic Garden was the first game I beat - and it’s the only one I have a cherry disk on. Lots of fun, it’s not that hard once it clicks.
I’ve only went through the first ten games and my favorites are Magic Garden, Mortol, and Velgress. The latter two are kicking my ass, but I keep coming back.
The insane experiment paid off! This game of games is a pure expression for the joy of gaming. I’ve put some hours in just poking around, and find myself consistently pleased at everything I play. Not everything is my type of game, but they still stand out as well made and even drew me in a couple times. Warp tank was the first to really grab hold of me and I want to beat it first.
People keep saying it’s like alternate reality Nintendo, and it’s clear why just by looking at it. I think it’s more the crystallized memory of how those days felt as a gamer. The magic of sitting in front of an old zenith on a rainy day and playing that weird rental you found. UFO 50 is like the smell that triggers a powerful memory you haven’t had in decades. I can’t wait to jump back in.