Not all questions are created equal and not all questioning of science is scientific in nature. And if you’re not writing down results and using controls, your questions aren’t really coming from a place of scientific intrigue in the first place.
But being a child saying “but why?” until your parent flips their wig isn’t.
Since I’m old and a lot of you aren’t I’ll explain the reference.
Mindy’s defining traits seem to be her curiosity and her obliviousness. Mindy likes to chase things that interest or intrigue her, and though she usually has a single-minded focus on her target, she will sometimes stop her chase to question passersby about what they are doing– one repeated joke is that she will ask people “Why?” until they give up on the conversation; usually this takes about three "why"s, and she will end the conversation with her customary “Okay, I love ya, buh-bye!”
But why?
Why not?
No, science is science. Science is structured questioning of anything, as long as you accept the data and reform your hypothesis. Sitting in a barcalounger with your thumb in your belly button, complaining about gay frogs and vaccine shedding is not science.
Pretty sure OP was not referring to those pseudo-science nut jobs.
I, for one, do not understand a lot of things and will (in good faith) question scientific principles to help better my understanding of things. I hope that does not label me as a belly-button-thumb-poker-gay-frogs-vaccine-shedding complainer.
The better phrasing is definitely “Questioning science in good faith is science”